Legal Notice


Villejuif Bio Park
1, Mail du Professeur Georges Mathé
94800 Villejuif

PHONE : + 33 (0)1 41 65 43 55
SIRET : 48177889200044


Head Office

Villejuif Bio Park
1, Mail du Professeur Georges Mathé
94800 Villejuif


Site design

BDSA L’Agence
63 Quai George V
76600 Le Havre

Phone : 02 35 19 21 16
Website :



The site is hosted by:

2 rue Kellermann
59100 Roubaix – France



By accessing this site, you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of this agreement. Valotec strives to ensure the accuracy and updating of the content available on this site and reserves the right, at any time, to modify, temporarily or permanently interrupt all or part of the site, without having to inform you in advance.

Valotec makes every effort to provide users with information and / or tools that are available and verified, but cannot be held responsible for errors, lack of availability of information and / or the presence of viruses on its site.

Non-contractual photo


Intellectual property

The site and all its elements are covered by the applicable intellectual property legislation (copyright, trademarks, designs and models) and are protected as such.

The site and all of its elements, in particular but not limited to (architecture, graphic charter, texts, photographs, illustrations, software, images, animated sequences, sound elements, etc.) are the property of Valotec or of third parties having authorized Valotec to use them and / or exploit.

All reproduction, representation and adaptation rights are reserved, including for downloadable documents and iconographic and photographic representations.

As a consequence and in application of the provisions of the Intellectual Property Code, of the laws and regulations of all countries and of international conventions, any reproduction, representation, adaptation or alteration of all or part of the Site or its elements, by any means, on any medium whatsoever and for any purpose whatsoever, not expressly authorized in writing in advance by Valotec, would be unlawful and would constitute an offense of forgery punishable by criminal penalties.


Protection of personal data

The data collected on the site comes only from the voluntary registration by visitors of their personal data. They are intended for purely internal use and are only accessible to those responsible for processing the request within Valotec. They are not the subject of any communication, assignment or disclosure to third parties.

Valotec keeps the personal data collected on the site for a maximum period of two years, after which this data is completely erased.

In accordance with the amended law n ° 78-17 of January 6, 1978 relating to information technology, files and freedoms, everyone has the right to access, rectify, oppose and delete data concerning them. , which can be exercised at any time by contacting:

Villejuif Bio Park
1, Mail du Professeur Georges Mathé
94800 Villejuif



As a user of this site, you acknowledge that you have been informed that certain information may possibly be stored on your computer’s hard drive, with the aim of facilitating present or subsequent navigation on this site (connection cookies, commonly called “cookies “), As well from a marketing / statistics point of view using Google Analytics. You can configure your browser software so that Cookies are saved in the terminal or, on the contrary, that they are rejected, either systematically or according to their issuer. You can also configure your browser software so that the acceptance or rejection of Cookies is offered to it from time to time, before a Cookie is likely to be saved in its terminal. For the management of Cookies, the configuration of each browser is different. It is described in the browser’s help menu, which will allow you to know how to modify your preferences in terms of Cookies:

Internet Explorer


Hypertext links

The site may contain links to other sites belonging to third parties. These links do not constitute in any way an approval, a validation, an adhesion of Valotec to the contents of these sites nor an association of Valotec with the persons in charge, administrators, authors or hosts of these sites. Valotec neither editing nor controlling the sources, contents or links present on these sites, cannot therefore be held responsible for the content, operation and access to these sites or for any damage or loss, whether proven or alleged. , consecutive or in connection with the use of information, services or data available on these sites.

The creation of hypertext links to the site can only be done with the prior written authorization of Valotec. Valotec declines all responsibility for the content of third-party sites that may be linked to its website.



These terms of use constitute the entire agreement between Valotec and the user of the site. You may also be subject to additional terms of use specific to certain sections which will be communicated to you when you access these sections.

These conditions of use and the relationship between Valotec and users will be subject to French law and any dispute that has not been able to find a transactional outcome will be brought before the competent courts of Paris.